Peer Supply Chain

A child can enter play as a contributor.

Learning Seeds Engagement Strategies

Comic Strip by Cynthia Yuan Cheng

Challenging Moment: A child is near peer activity but reluctant or unsure how to positively join in. Asking to join peer play is often unsuccessful, especially if the child simply asks, “Can I play?”

A Strategy to Try: Peer Supply Chain

Instead of a child asking peers whether they can join in their play, handing objects to peers creates an easy, positive, non-verbal connection and brings the child in physical connection with the group. Help the child use their imagination to introduce an object that relates and contributes to the play theme underway. Look to see that the child is pointing toes, knees, and plane of the chest fully towards the group. Create reasons for each child to get and give materials to the others so there is a lot of handing off of supplies.

What Happens: The hesitant child is provided with a imaginative route into the group play, a route less vulnerable to verbal rejection. All children in the growing group benefit from the contributions of each individual.


Extend “No” to “No Because…”


Label The Pretend