Ask Peer

Remove yourself as the adult intermediary.

Learning Seeds One Minute Solutions


The Challenging Moment: A child prefers to talk with adults and seeks information from adults instead of peers.

A Strategy to Try: Ask Peer

When a child asks an adult a question the adult knows the answer to it is common to answer the question the child asked.  Instead of answering the question for the child the adult can say “Ask Peer”.  The adult uses the peer’s name and helps the child by pointing to a specific peer and guiding the child over closer to the peer to ask that peer.

What Happens:

  • the child’s motivation to get the answer to the question is used to help the child make a connection to a peer instead of an adult

  • the small connection with the peer creates an opportunity for the child to connect with the peer and the possibility for the child to join the peer play or the peer to join the child’s play.


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